In the age of Instagram, a photo booth can be one of the most important elements of an event. It should be noticeable and captivate your guests at first sight. After all, the more interesting the photo area, the more photos and, therefore, mentions in social networks you will receive. And this, by the way, is free advertising for your company.
Convinced how important this detail? Then let’s figure out what the ideal photo area should be.
The size of the photo area.
This is what you need to determine first and foremost. The size depends on many factors: the capabilities of the venue, the theme and status of the event, the number of guests. We recommend to make the photo zone not less than 3 m high, and better a little bit higher. In this case the gluing of the banner should go on the underside. The width of the banner should be not less than 3.5 – 4 meters, and if you plan a lot of guests, you can do more. This makes it possible to take high quality group photos so that nothing extraneous gets in the frame. It is good if the venue allows you to make a fairly large photo area, pay attention to this when choosing the location of the event.
Location of the photo area
It is better to put it in the welcome-zone, where the guests register, socialize, where the coffee-break is organized. Take care of the photographer: let him have enough space to go away and take a general photo. Pay attention to the light: do not cover the windows with banner so that it does not shine through, make sure that there is no lamp over the photo area, otherwise there will be ugly shadows on the faces. Do not place the photozone in the back of the hall or on the aisle, it will be inconvenient for the guests and photographer.
Decorate the stage constructor, where the lower elements were removed to lower the screen to the floor. Made of lightweight plastic with invisible fasteners. The basis of the constructor is a bar.
The structure .
Its quality is very important – it emphasizes the status of the event. If you organize an evening reception, social gathering, forum, conference or other indoor event, it is better to make installations from a bar. Such a construction gives a perfect tensioning of the banner, the absence of visible attachment points and quality branding of the ends, while it is very stable. Also look good photo zones from octanorm (exhibition profile). They are stable and look majestic and status. In addition, such a design can be made double-sided.
If you hold the event outdoors, it is important that the construction was stable, could withstand even strong gusts of wind and not fall on the guests. These include stage structure Layher. Also behave well on the street design made of thick beam, they can withstand the sailing of the banner. You must not use constructions made of joker system or pop-up constructions on the street as they are “delicate” photo-zones which have tendency to fall down.
The photo area should support the idea of the event and not go against it. We advise to think it over with the designer when the general identity of the event is already defined. For themed installations important décor, revealing the idea of the event. This should not be a boring banner with a logo, but something more interesting: 3D-printing, metal volumetric figures, fabric, fresh flowers, colorful balloons – now a huge amount of different elements of decoration. And also props that you can take in your hands or put on yourself always work well – let your photo area be interactive, so the guest will want to look at it closer or even become part of it.